Please donate to Crimson Bow Sickle Cell Initiative

* are compulsory

Please donate to the cause by depositing or making a transfer to the following


Bank: Guaranty Trust Bank
Account Name: CrimsonBow Sickle Cell Initiative
Naira Account Number: 0236066774
Pounds Account Number: 0236066970
Dollars Account Number: 0236066781
Euros Account Number: 0236066987


Donate with Bitcoin

 btc logo

Bitcoin Address: 3NKpypVDTXcFV9F4jvLGojDc1hABzAiyR6

Advantages of donations by BTC


  1. Anonymous
  2. Donate from anywhere in the world, no borders.
  3. Lower fees for international donations.
  4. Spend BTC for a good cause.